Thursday, April 25, 2013

HIV and Teens

 HIV and Teens


In this section I'm Dessy Puspasari want to tell you about dangeraous HIV of teens.
    HIV is still a frightening specter among adolescents because HIV is a disease of malignant, infectious, and difficult to cure.
     In the socio-cultural environment we are still somewhat taboo when discussing the name of HIV.  Now we more often hear teens associated with the incidence of  HIV . This makes sense because adolescents with mobility and interaction in the social environment is very possible that happen the contact with HIV from their contact interaction . Thousands of teens and young adults get infected with HIV each year. The curiosity of teens is so high that make them in the dangerous situation which endangering themselves dan make them  related to HIV.

    HIV is one of the most serious, deadly diseases in human history. HIV is a disease that destroys a type of defense cell in the body.HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another person through blood, semen , vaginal fluids, and breast milk.
     The teens that sexual intercourse without using a condom and sharing needles, such as needles used to inject drugs, or sharing needles used for tattooing can  easily infected transmitted diseases like HIV.
      In order to  not infected transmitted diseases like HIV, As a teenager you have to be careful and prevent it from now  to avoid committing sexual intercourse, drugs, and other things that can lead to HIV infection so that your life will be happier and you can achieve future is better.

By : Desi Puspasari

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